Custom Query (99 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Component Owner Type Priority
#61392 <dscl_cmd> DS Error: -14009 (eDSUnknownNodeName) new server/hosting admin@… defect High
#14540 Document -devel ports new guide macports-tickets@… enhancement Normal
#15077 Document that installing other software in /usr/local can break ports new guide macports-tickets@… enhancement Normal
#15623 guide (trunk) Documentation missing for several Tcl extenstions (pextlib1.0) new guide macports-tickets@… enhancement Normal
#15625 Guide doesn't explain variants very well new guide macports-tickets@… enhancement Normal
#15818 Describe when to run "portindex" new guide macports-tickets@… enhancement Normal
#15819 Add a pointer to 7.2 in 4.2 and/or 4.6 new guide macports-tickets@… enhancement Normal
#16355 Document port dir, port file, port edit in the Guide new guide macports-tickets@… enhancement Normal
#16898 print.css for macports guide new guide macports-tickets@… enhancement Normal
#16930 more explanation in the guide for startupitems new guide macports-tickets@… enhancement Normal
#17359 Merge www/install.php and guide new wiki macports-tickets@… defect Normal
#18359 Guide has wrong advice about variants new guide macports-tickets@… enhancement Normal
#18386 Guide Has No PortGroup Invocation Example new guide macports-tickets@… enhancement Normal
#21046 Guide: mention using -append/-delete in 4.2 Creating a Portfile new guide macports-tickets@… enhancement Normal
#22449 StartupItems page could be clearer? new guide macports-tickets@… enhancement Normal
#24318 Document how to get the result of a program from within a Portfile new guide macports-tickets@… enhancement Normal
#24897 document test.dir in guide new guide macports-tickets@… defect Normal
#32428 PortGroup muniversal not documented new guide macports-tickets@… enhancement Normal
#36003 Documentation for upgrading MySQL 5.1.* to MySQL5.5.* missing assigned wiki enhancement Normal
#36950 Local Port Repo Instructions Should Address Permissions Issue assigned guide larryv (Lawrence Velázquez) defect Normal
#36957 Guide: Document the "subport" command new guide macports-tickets@… enhancement Normal
#38095 RFE: Automatically check tickets for common mistakes before allowing users to submit them assigned server/hosting admin@… enhancement Normal
#39412 Please document active_variant portgroup new guide macports-tickets@… enhancement Normal
#39939 Document the "subport=" command line option new guide macports-tickets@… enhancement Normal
#40010 Add link to current port categories in MacPorts Guide 4.2 new guide macports-tickets@… enhancement Normal
#40186 guide needs to be updated to reflect current compiler behavior new guide macports-tickets@… enhancement Normal
#40353 Ticket Guidelines should include instructions for upgrade requests new guide macports-tickets@… enhancement Normal
#40987 PortsAutoComplete: add autocompletion of ports and autoassignment to maintainer in port tickets accepted server/hosting neverpanic (Clemens Lang) enhancement Normal
#44700 Request: download-friendly installer package URLs assigned server/hosting admin@… enhancement Normal
#44789 Remove .html files from distfiles mirrors assigned server/hosting admin@… enhancement Normal
#51552 Page LibcxxOnOlderSystems: some help with "uninstall all ports that use C++" new wiki macports-tickets@… enhancement Normal
#52709 GitHub login redirects to main Trac page instead of the page I was on new server/hosting admin@… defect Normal
#52763 Git: pre-commit-hook should check whether mentioned PR IDs do exist new server/hosting larryv (Lawrence Velázquez) enhancement Normal
#52770 Git: pre-commit hook for 'port lint' if a Portfile is about to be committed new server/hosting admin@… enhancement Normal
#52771 Git: pre-commit-hook with in-depth TCL syntax checking (i.e. beyond "port lint") new server/hosting admin@… enhancement Normal
#52906 Add apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png or apple-touch-icon.png new website macports-tickets@… enhancement Normal
#54605 Update guide to tell user where to get "original" Portfile for patching new guide defect Normal
#54800 Set up a private server for archives that aren't distributable to speed up Travis CI builds new server/hosting admin@… enhancement Normal
#55934 Mirror SourceForge svn repositories new server/hosting admin@… enhancement Normal
#56046 Convert guide from DocBook to AsciiDoc syntax new guide g5pw (Aljaž Srebrnič) enhancement Normal
#56047 Find a better place for documentation new guide neverpanic (Clemens Lang) defect Normal
#56052 Document portmgr timeout new guide raimue (Rainer Müller) enhancement Normal
#56054 Create internal infrastructure documentation accepted server/hosting neverpanic (Clemens Lang) enhancement Normal
#56056 Document milestone field handling for base tickets new guide neverpanic (Clemens Lang) enhancement Normal
#56181 Periodically delete obsolete packages new server/hosting admin@… enhancement Normal
#56182 current_versions.tcl, should understand that ports don't always offer the same version to all systems new server/hosting admin@… defect Normal
#56419 Stop using GitHub Services for Travis CI reopened server/hosting admin@… enhancement Normal
#57672 Add DNS CAA record for MacPorts domains new server/hosting admin@… enhancement Normal
#57698 Travis: Use the normal MacPorts installer new server/hosting admin@… defect Normal
#57894 Guide: Document required permissions for local repos reopened guide defect Normal
#58161 Guide does not explain that selectors use regular expressions new guide defect Normal
#58193 show more detail about dependency when it is not port new website enhancement Normal
#58426 Portfile instructions: unclear about global variable ${portbuildpath} new guide enhancement Normal
#58505 Please improve the "pseudo-portname selector" information on the Macports manual AND guide assigned guide enhancement Normal
#58697 For local distfiles, use a different distfile mirror name, rather than override DNS new server/hosting admin@… enhancement Normal
#59460 catalina $PATH not set when installer run from standard account new guide defect Normal
#59982 Migration should not attempt to use universal variant on 10.14 or later new wiki defect Normal
#60185 /.fseventsd taking up a huge amount of disk space new server/hosting admin@… defect Normal
#60186 /var/folders taking up a huge amount of disk space new server/hosting admin@… defect Normal
#60607 Universal archs on macports on OSX systems upgraded from OSX 10.5 new website enhancement Normal
#60686 can trigger migraines new guide defect Normal
#61164 Error: Failed to deactivate icu: error deleting "/opt/local/sbin": not owner new server/hosting admin@… defect Normal
#61176 Add instructions on updating the Guide's AsciiDoc sources (first, policy on AsciiDoc) new guide enhancement Normal
#61645 Cannot edit ntfs-3g new wiki enhancement Normal
#62071 Tests fail if no portfiles are modified new server/hosting admin@… defect Normal
#62680 UI Redressing leads to perform unauthenticated Actions new website defect Normal
#62899 Set up redirects for packages and distfiles at secondary domains new server/hosting admin@… enhancement Normal
#62913 github: CI jobs: port dependency installation incredibly slow, severely impacting job runtime assigned server/hosting admin@… defect Normal
#62952 Document master_site_local, patch_site_local, archive_site_local in guide assigned guide mascguy (Christopher Nielsen) enhancement Normal
#63001 Guide: add description of web app at new guide enhancement Normal
#63009 port selfupdate gets access denied from new server/hosting admin@… defect Normal
#63053 macportsbot: detect invalid maintainer GitHub handles new server/hosting admin@… enhancement Normal
#63821 macportsbot: exceeds maximum number of mentions per comment assigned server/hosting admin@… defect Normal
#64143 memesuite: distfile mirroring fails new server/hosting admin@… defect Normal
#64180 Remove azure pipelines new server/hosting admin@… defect Normal
#64329 guide and portfile man page: document missing keywords assigned guide mascguy (Christopher Nielsen) enhancement Normal
#64599 Add SSPL to distributable_lib.tcl to make mongodb (more) distributable new server/hosting admin@… defect Normal
#65113 MacPorts Guide: universal_archs setting not defined for macOS 10.13 - 10.15 new guide defect Normal
#65160 package fetch does not honor preferred_hosts; fastly downloads throttled assigned server/hosting ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt) defect Normal
#65299 Guide 3.2.1: Say that variant specification on port install does not overrule existing ports new guide enhancement Normal
#65497 ProblemHotlist correction new wiki defect Normal
#65937 RocketChat login gives "internal server error" assigned server/hosting g5pw (Aljaž Srebrnič) defect Normal
#66074 Please consider adding Migration to the Guide (or, if not that, the FAQ) new guide enhancement Normal
#66500 Remove $ dollar sign from line copy&paste (user terminal commands) new guide enhancement Normal
#66557 Add to MacPorts Guide an explanation how to disable sudo password requirements for non-sensitive commands new guide enhancement Normal
#68192 Archives can remain cached by the CDN without corresponding signature new server/hosting admin@… defect Normal
#68506 Document extract.rename new guide enhancement Normal
#68532 Since Monterey there is additional security for UserDir enabled by default and it's not documented new wiki enhancement Normal
#68577* throttled to 1.6Mbps new server/hosting admin@… defect Normal
#69065 List only manual installed packages new wiki defect Normal
#69661 Disable Homebrew on Apple Silicon GitHub Actions CI runners new server/hosting admin@… defect Normal
#69668 Use matched Xcode / CLT versions on macOS 13 and macOS 14 GitHub Actions runners new server/hosting admin@… defect Normal
#69916 PatchLocal wiki page / Step 6 should mention using `port destroot` to only build modified ports from source new wiki enhancement Normal
#69976 Set ports tree timestamps based on commit times new server/hosting admin@… enhancement Normal
#70055 Download links: Add computer friendly links new server/hosting admin@… enhancement Normal
#70131 MacPorts website thinks lfortran has been deleted (it is not the case) new website defect Normal
#18952 Stray .TMP files on distfiles mirrors assigned server/hosting admin@… defect Low
#25170 php PortGroup documentation new guide macports-tickets@… enhancement Low
#57637 'autoconf.cmd' not documented new guide defect Low
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.